Alumni Esmee Voulon

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Alumni - Esmee Voulon

My time at Student Consultant provided me with my first exposure to consultancy. It allowed me to experience what it’s like to be a consultant during my studies, helping me determine if this was a career path I wanted to pursue after graduation. I am very grateful for this experience, as it enabled me to make a well-informed decision for the start of my career.

In early 2022, I was deeply immersed in my Master's program in Economics. I was enjoying my classes, committee work with my student association, and student life, but I was missing out on real-world experience. When Student Consultant approached me, I was quickly open to a conversation. After learning more about the company, I was convinced and eager to join!

Looking back, the learning journey began here. To determine if I could work at Student Consultant, I had to go through several rounds of interviews. Without realizing it at the time, going through this process during my student years was invaluable for finding a job later on. When I received the call that I could start at Student Consultant, I was thrilled.

I soon began my first assignment. Student Consultant provided me with support through various training sessions and assistance from my colleagues. Within a short period on my first project, I learned a great deal. Not only did I gain technical knowledge, but I found it especially interesting to work with different types of people within various companies. This was highly educational, as as a consultant, you encounter people who welcome fresh perspectives and others who are less receptive. What I appreciated most was that at Student Consultant, you are never alone; you can always rely on your colleagues and seek help when needed.

Time flew by, and the experience at Student Consultant confirmed my desire to pursue a career in consultancy after graduation. When I came across Adlasz, the choice was easy to make.

Adlasz focuses on local governance and the social domain. I am currently working with various municipalities. The skills I developed at Student Consultant continue to be valuable, particularly in managing different types of people. Some individuals prefer a calm approach, while others appreciate a more direct style. Daily teamwork is another area where my time at Student Consultant has proven beneficial. Additionally, my prior exposure to various corporate cultures has eased my transition into new assignments.

I look back fondly on my time at Student Consultant, where I gained a significant insight into the consultancy world while still studying.

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