Case - Nijsen Company


Case - Nijsen Company

Starting from late March 2023, two of our consultants undertook a preliminary project to conduct market research for Nijsen Company. Nijsen Company is the sole specialist in the Netherlands that processes by-products from the food industry into unique animal feed products. They produce, for example, sustainable pig feed and sustainable chicken feed. All production and distribution are managed in-house at their own facility. At the time of the project, Nijsen's products were sold exclusively B2B, leading to the core question of the project.

The Challenge

Nijsen wondered if they could successfully market their products in the B2C segment. They needed a market research study to explore the B2C market for their animal feeds.

The Research

Nijsen had limited insight into the B2C market before this research. Student Consultant conducted various analyses to map both the external and internal environment of Nijsen. The external environment was further divided into macro and meso levels.

The initial step involved mapping the external environment through analyses such as a DESTEP analysis and Porter’s Five Forces. This was followed by a brief internal analysis with input from Nijsen. These environmental analyses were translated into a SWOT analysis, focusing on opportunities and threats in the B2C market. At Nijsen’s request, a detailed competitive and distribution analysis was also performed. This analysis identified the major competitors in the Netherlands, their sales strategies, and potential distribution channels.

As a result of these analyses, Nijsen now has a compact overview of the market landscape. The findings indicate that there are opportunities and that Nijsen has the capabilities to enter the B2C market. However, further research is necessary to make a well-informed decision. Based on the project’s findings, we have proposed a follow-up project that Nijsen has accepted. This follow-up project will (1) provide recommendations on positioning strategies and potential distribution channels, and (2) offer insights into market size. We look forward to continued collaboration with Nijsen Company!

Through this research, Nijsen Company gained:

  • Insight into its external environment at the macro and meso levels
  • An understanding of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the B2C market
  • A general overview of the B2C market landscape
  • Insights into key competitors and distribution opportunities

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