Case - Radboud University

Case - Radboud Universiteit

Implementation Plan for Data Strategy

Student Consultant dedicated six months to conducting a gap analysis on data usage within the Campus & Facilities (C&F) division at Radboud University. In today's world, data plays a crucial role, forming the foundation for analyses and critical decision-making. A well-structured data framework significantly enhances the effectiveness of these analyses and decisions. Radboud University therefore posed the following challenge to Student Consultant:


The Campus & Facilities division extensively utilizes data and sought to determine how to improve the efficiency of data storage, transmission, and usage. Student Consultant was tasked with providing recommendations for more effective data management and process improvements.

Our Approach

Through a series of interviews with employees both within and outside the C&F division, we mapped the current situation, including the creation of flowcharts. Based on this assessment and through desk research, Student Consultant developed an implementation plan for the data strategy within C&F. This plan includes guidelines for (I) a data storage policy, (II) data categorization, and (III) appointing data owners. The plan was meticulously crafted, adhering to universal legal and regulatory standards applicable to all universities in the Netherlands.


Radboud University enthusiastically received the plan, which will now be implemented within the C&F division. With this implementation plan, the C&F division can adopt a working method that minimizes data redundancy, allows for rapid data retrieval, and facilitates efficient collaboration.


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